Hayley Howells
At Oswald Road Primary School we aim to provide the highest quality care and education for all our children thereby giving them a strong foundation for their future learning. We create a safe and happy environment with motivating and enjoyable learning experiences that enable children to become confident and independent. We value the individual child and work alongside parents, carers and others to meet their needs and help every child to reach their full potential.
Curriculum Overview Year 1 2024-25
If you have any questions about our curriculum please contact our Headteacher, Deborah Howard, to pass on to the Curriculum Lead.
Click here to view the Year 1 spellings
In school, we follow the Essential Letters and Sounds programme. ELS is a phonics resource published by the Department for Education and Skills which consists of six phases which establishes a practice of high quality phonics.
Our reading schemes use Bug Club, Rising Stars and Galaxy books for guided reading. For home reading children will get an ELS book that links to the phonics they have been learning that week. They will also get a book banded book that matches their reading level and a reading for pleasure book, which the children are not expected to be able to read. The purpose of this is to share with their grown ups to develop a love of reading.
Watch a phonics lesson being taught by our Phonics Lead
Click on the links below to view the handouts that we gave out at a previous Year 1 Phonics Workshop:
ELS Essential Letters and Sounds
Click here to view our school reading curriculum.
All homework is non-compulsory, although we expect all children to read at home every day and bring their books in to school every day as we try to read with them as often as possible in school.
Your child may be asked by their class teacher to do tasks at home related to their creative curriculum topic, reading and phonics, numbers and spellings.
You may find the following documents helpful when reading with your child:
Reading Comprehension Parent Handout
Reading Comprehension Bookmark
Indoor PE- 1A (Mrs Howells/Mrs Clarke) on Mondays, 1B (Miss Beckett) and 1C (Mrs Daley/Mrs Kershaw) on Tuesdays
Outdoor PE- Thursday
The children require shorts and t-shirts for gym and dance (indoor PE) and clothing suitable for outdoor exercise (eg. jogging bottoms and hoodie) for outdoor PE. These are to be worn in to school on the allocated PE days. The guidelines say that children should be barefoot for gym and dance but we would ask that they wear sensible footwear for outdoor games and warm clothes in the winter. Please name your child’s clothing.
Please make sure your child’s name is on their lunchbox. Any lunch boxes are kept in the classroom.
Are hung in classrooms in the cupboards provided.
Year 1 children are to be dropped-off at and picked-up from the classroom door.
Drop-Off: 8.30am-8.45am
Pick-Up: 3:15pm
Our PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment) time will be on Thursday afternoon and covered by Ben Caldwell, Kieran Bentley and Jocelin Bennett.
Oswald Road Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children. We require all staff, volunteers and visitors to share the commitment. For more information and resources, view our safeguarding page by clicking here.
Click here to read our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
To contact our Safeguarding Team, please email d.wealleans@oswaldroad.manchester.sch.uk or a.clifton@oswaldroad.manchester.sch.uk
Our Safeguarding Page also features lots of useful resources on Online Safety, including information about the ‘Report Harmful Content’ button shown below.