
Our planned school tours and open days for September 2025 entry have now all taken place, however if you missed them and would like to book on to have a look around Nursery or Reception, please call 0161 881 4266 or click on the button below to email us.

Nursery Admissions

We have a 52 place Nursery, with all children starting with us the September after they turn 3. All places are full-time, paid-for places (although we do accept childcare vouchers). In-year admissions for Nursery are dependent on if we have places available. Applications to Nursery are taken from October half term the year before admission. Please see the relevant documentation and forms below. For information on childcare vouchers, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

Nursery Admissions Policy


Nursery Payment Options 2024-2025



Reception Admissions

We are a three-form entry from Reception to Year 6, meaning we have 90 places per year group. Reception admissions are all dealt with via the Local Authority, and we therefore use  Manchester City Council’s admissions policy. Applications open in September and close mid January. Offers to those who apply on time will be sent out on the National Offer Day which happens mid April. Please check the Local Authority website for exact dates.

Applying late means you have less chance of getting your preferred school and that they may not send you an offer until after the National Offer Day. This is because they offer places to applications who apply on time initially, and places at your preferred school may have already been taken by on-time applicants.



In-Year Applications

We are a three-form entry from Reception to Year 6, meaning we have 90 places per year group. All admissions into school from Reception through to Year 6 are handled by the Local Authority, and we therefore use  Manchester City Council’s admissions policy. Please click here for further information.



Sign Up

If you are interested in hearing about upcoming tour dates, PTA events and admissions information, please fill in your details below.

* indicates required

We run tours of our school for prospective parents in the Autumn and Spring terms. Please get in touch if you'd like to book on.

School Tours

Click here to book

We run tours of our school for prospective parents in the Autumn and Spring terms. Please get in touch if you'd like to book on.

School Tours

Click here to book

Nursery Childcare Vouchers

You can apply online for a childcare account to get a code for 30 hours to give to your provider.

  • Eligibility

    Your eligibility depends on:

    • if you are working
    • how much you earn
    • your child’s circumstances
    • your nationality


  • If you are working

    You can usually get 30 hours free childcare if you (and your partner, if you have one) are:

    • in work
    • on sick leave or annual leave
    • on parental, maternity, paternity or adoption leave

    If you’re on parental leave, you cannot apply for the child you’re on leave for.

  • If you are not currently working

    You may still be eligible if your partner is working, and you get Incapacity Benefit, Severe Disablement Allowance, Carer’s Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance.

    You can apply if you’re starting or re-starting work within the next 31 days.


  • How much you earn

    You’ll need to expect to earn a certain amount over the next 3 months. This is at least the National Minimum Wage or Living Wage for 16 hours a week on average.

    For example, over the next 3 months you expect to earn at least £1,707.68 – the National Living Wage for people over 25.

    If you’re self-employed and do not expect to make enough profit in the next 3 months, you can use an average of how much you expect to make over the current tax year.

    This earnings limit does not apply if you’re self-employed and started your business less than 12 months ago.

    If you or your partner have an ‘adjusted net income’ over £100,000 in the current tax year you will not be eligible. This includes any bonuses you expect to get.

    Your adjusted net income is your total taxable income before any personal allowances and minus things like Gift Aid.


  • Your Partner

    Your partner’s employment and income will affect your eligibility if you are:

    • married or in a civil partnership and live together
    • not married or in a civil partnership, but living together as though you are


    Their employment and income will not affect your eligibility if they:

    • are or will be absent from your household for more than 6 months
    • are a prisoner
  • Your Child

    You will not be eligible if your child does not usually live with you.

    If you foster your child, you cannot use the online application to get 30 hours free childcare. Speak to your social worker and your local authority if you want to apply.


  • Your Nationality

    You will not be eligible if you’re from outside the EEA and your UK residence card says you cannot access public funds.


    Your partner can apply instead if they’re from:

    • the UK or EEA
    • outside the EEA and their UK residence card says they can access public funds
  • When to Apply


    You can apply from when your child is 2 years and 36 weeks old.


    When your child turns 3 When they can get 30 hours from Recommended time to apply
    1 September to 31 December 1 January 15 October to 30 November
    1 January to 31 March 1 April 15 January to 28 February
    1 April to 31 August 1 September 15 June to 31 July


    You can apply outside of these recommended dates but you might not receive your code in time.

    You must have a valid code by the end of the month before a new term starts.

    You have to reconfirm your eligibility every 3 months. If you apply more than 3 months before the term starts, you’ll have to reconfirm your eligibility in your account in order to keep your code valid.


  • If You Are Separated

    You and your ex-partner need to decide who should apply if you are jointly responsible for your child.

    If you cannot decide, both of you must apply separately and HMRC will decide who gets a childcare account.

  • Apply

    Apply online for 30 hours free childcare.

    You and your partner cannot both have accounts for the same child.

    If you are applying for 30 hours and someone else already claims Tax-Free Childcare for that child, your application will be unsuccessful.