Eco Team
Eco Team
At the beginning of each year the individual classes vote in their eco reps. Each class in Years 1-6 has one representative on the Eco Team.
Their role varies from promoting a healthier environment and ensuring the school is aware of recycling procedures to litter picking in school and the local community.
We are currently working towards the Eco Green Flag Award. Eco-Schools is a seven step framework that thousands of schools around the world use to introduce, manage and complete environmental actions in their organisation and local community. We aim to place young people at the heart of these environmental actions. This approach engages, motivates and empowers children to care for our planet now and throughout their lifetimes.
When a school has worked through each of the Seven Steps, they can then apply for Eco-Schools Green Flag accreditation. The Eco-Schools Green Flag is international and recognised by organisations such as UNESCO. It is a symbol of a school’s commitment to environmental education.
We have completed our environmental review and with the help of our eco team, have selected three topics for us to focus on. These are waste, litter and healthy living.
This role has been so popular that from September 2022, we are thinking of updating the selection process so the children ‘apply’ for the role.
Recent Eco Activity:
Gardening Club:
Our Year 6 Eco Team members have formed a ‘Gardening Club’ and have been working in partnership with the Botany Bay project to develop the Owl Garden. We held an event in November 2022 to celebrate the official opening and the work that the children and staff have done. Photos and information about this event to follow!
Community Litter Pick:
Our eco team members came up with a fantastic idea to do a litter pick in the local community. Working towards our Green Flag Award, the children did a great job during their walk to and from Longford Park this week.
The Eco Team has helped the PTA plant more eco-friendly plants in the playground.
Recycling Heroes:
Some of our Year 5 and 6 children recently gave a presentation on why we need recycling bins in the playground. We discussed coming up with superhero characters to represent the different bins. This is an exciting project and we’ll be working with a local designer to create some superhero characters for each bin.
Weekly Litter Picking:
This happens weekly across all year groups from EYFS through to Year 6. Each key stage have their own set of litter pickers which they take out with them during playtimes to keep the playground clean and tidy.